Fabriano, through History, Art, Culture and Mountain to enjoy

Fabriano, known all over the world for its paper factories, is a town in Ancona Province placed in a valley characterized by gentle hills and surrounded by the mountains of Umbrian-of the Marches Apennines over 325 metres a.s.l. its strategic position on the territory allowed since remote times old settlements of stable communities. It is for this reason that visiting Fabriano you will find vestiges of ancient civilizations starting from Paleolithic Age: there developed the Picene, Umbrian, Gaul Senoni civilizations, and so on…

Among the most interesting places that we advise you to come and visit, there are for sure: the Podestà Palace, a medieval style public building that was built up in 1255; the St. Francesco Portico, built up on the half  ‘400 on the plan of the renaissance architect Bernardo Rossellino; the Sturinalto Fountain, a splendid gem into the frame of the Central Square; the St. Venanzio Cathedral with its impressive inner decorations and its beautiful frescoes of Fabriano school of the XIV and XV centuries; the Mazzolini Giuseppucci Chemist’s Museum that has been dedicated to one of the oldest and most important pharmacy of Italy; the Bruno Molajoli City Picture-Gallery, dedicated to the important art historian Bruno Molajoli; the Town Hall of the 1350, reconstructed in 1690 that was been old residence for Chiavellis, town princes until 1435; the St. Maria del Buon Gesù ex-Hospital, an exceptional example of late Gothic architecture; the Paper and Watermark Museum, set in the old St Domenico Monastery; and all the other churches on the Fabriano territory, such as the Charity Oratory, the Saints Biagio and Romualdo Church, the St Onofrio Church or Scala Santa, the St Agostino Church, the St Lucia Novella Church.

Fabriano, through History, Art, Culture and Mountain to enjoy

As written before, the Fabriano environment you will discover is characterized by the presence of mountain landscapes rich in woods, that had always caught the attention of hike in the mountains lovers. Looking at the NNW side you will see towering: the Nebbiano mountain (790 mts), the Strega mountain (1276 mts), the Catria mountain (1701 mts); on the west hand you will see: the Cucco mountain (1566 mts); while on the east hand: the San Vicino mountain (1479 mts); at the end, on the SSW hand: the Nero mountain (1424 mts) and the Maggio mountain (1361 mts). From this one originates Giano torrent going through Fabriano and joins to Esino river level with Borgo Tufico hamlet.

Hereunder you will watch at the video of the interesting Apennine Project promoted by the vice-president of Ancona Province Mr Giancarlo Sagramola.



For the ones interested in visiting the Fabriano Paper Factories and in receiving more information regarding these old Fabriano factories, we are advising you their official website: www.fabriano.com


The most typical product of the local gastronomy is the Fabriano Salami, characterized by an homogenous consistency, compact, dark red coloured, with white strips of bacon and fine-grained. The former evidences about Fabriano Salami trace back to the first half of nineteenth century.

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