The Cittadella of Ancona

In the neighbourhood Capodimonte – that is one of Ancona hills – it stands “La Cittadella” (Citadel) also popularly known as “Fortezza” (Fortress); it stands forth into the splendid landscape of the port of Ancona.
Military building belonging to the Renaissance Age, it was realized during the 1532 on the top of the hill Astagno by the architect Antonio da Sangallo the Young.

The Cittadella of Ancona

As Pope Clemente VII saw its own prestige and economic power reducing, he made building several fortresses up, and one of those was exactly the Cittadella of Ancona with characteristic walls so as to constitute a solid resistance against fire weapons.

The Fortress is composed by five bastions named: Bastione della Guardia (Guard Bastion), della Punta (Cape Bastion), della Campana (Bell Bastion), Gregoriano (Gregorian Bastion) e del Giardino (Garden Bastion).

The highest point is the Torraccia, situated at the centre of the fortress and it has a system of underground tunnels.

During fine weather, it is a good place for walks, screams of children playing that can run freely and, furthermore, it provides for cultural events for inhabitants of Ancona and for numerous visitors and tourists of the city.

The Cittadella is one of the most gorgeous landscapes of Ancona.

Hystorical map of the Cittadella of  Ancona

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