La chiesa di San Ciriaco ad Ancona sorge in una posizione spettacolare alla sommità del colle Guasco. E’ la chiesa principale del capoluogo delle Marche e deve il suo nome a Ciriaco, un santo vescovo di origine armena. Nel secondo secolo Ciriaco fu fatto martire e fu elevato alla dignità del patrono della città di Ancona. La Cattedrale di San Ciriaco, una delle chiese medievali più importanti d’Italia, attualmente è oggi la sede ufficiale dell’Arcidiocesi.
Alto esempio di arte romanica a cui si mescolano elementi bizantini e gotici; costituisce uno dei più importanti esempi di questo stile in Italia
L’interno della chiesa di San Ciriaco è un meraviglioso esempio di fusione di romanico, gotico e bizantino. La facciata è preceduta da una scalinata, che si apre su un portico in stile gotico-romanico e presenta due grandi sculture di leoni in granito rosso che, con due rispettive colonne, sorreggono il portico stesso.
L’edificio risale al 1230, e fu opera dell’artista Giorgio da Como. La cupola, anche essa del secolo XIII è stata eretta nel punto di intersezione dei bracci della struttura, conferendo alla Cattedraleeleganza ed armonia.
La sua realizzazione è stata attribuita a Margheritone da Arezzo. Particolarità del Duomo di San Ciriaco è il campanile edificato nel 1314
L’ultima revisione strutturale è avvenuta dopo il terremoto del 1972 che distrusse gran parte della città vecchia di Ancona.
Al patrono è dedicato durante l’anno, più precisamente il 4 maggio, una manifestazione che prende appunto il nome di” “Fiera di San Ciriaco” che è ormai da decenni uno degli appuntamenti popolari più attesi in città; come da tradizione fieristica, il settore predominante è quello degli Ambulanti che ogni anno (sono circa 400 ogni anno) occupano Piazza Pertini e Viale della Vittoria sui due lati e nel passaggio centrale, fino ad arrivare al monumento del Passetto, da mare a mare. Oltre ad un considerevole gruppo di espositori marchigiani, che promuovono i prodotti del territorio, sono rappresentate anche altre regioni quali: Alto Adige, Veneto, Emilia, Romagna, Toscana, Umbria, Lazio, Campania, Puglie, Calabria, Sicilia e Sardegna, tutti insieme all’insegna delle bontà e delle tipicità.
La Fiera si conclude ogni anno con la “Tombola di San Ciriaco“, organizzata dalla Croce Gialla; le cartelle si acquistano in postazioni situate lungo il percorso della fiera e l’estrazione avviene alle ore 19.00 in Largo XXIV Maggio, proprio davanti al palazzo Comunale. I fondi raccolto saranno impiegati a sostegno dell’attività della Croce Gialla.
Questa la pianta della Cattedrale di San Ciriaco ad Ancona:
Libro consigliato:
Alcuni lettori ci hanno segnalato anche un interessante libro di Simona Petrelli intitolato: La cattedrale di Ancona e il mistero di san Ciriaco. Anche di questo se volete vi indico il link diretto su Amazon:
Uno studio accurato sull’evoluzione architettonica del Duomo di San Ciriaco, di sicuro interesse per tutti gli appassionati di archeologia!
Lo spazio urbano e suburbano di Ancona comprende oggi una ricchissima quanto peculiare area di interesse storico-archeologico e architettonico caratterizzata dalla presenza dell’uomo fin dalla preistoria.
Passando per l’epoca picena fino a quella romana, assieme ai vari contributi celtici ed ellenici, si è venuta a formare in maniera determinante la base per l’ulteriore incisiva evoluzione medievale, rinascimentale e moderna.
The church of San Ciriaco was raised the importance of the main church of the capital of the Marches. The name of a holy bishop of Armenian origin, Ciriaco, Ancona martyred in the second century and raised to the dignity of the city’s patron. It is said that the punishment was carried out in a stream of molten lead introduced into the throat. The Cathedral of San Ciriaco currently serves as the cathedral is the official seat of the Archdiocese and is one of the most interesting medieval churches of Italy. The buildings have been renovated and decorated several times. The last structural review was spacious with a restoration done after the 1972 earthquake that destroyed much of the old city of Ancona.
The history of the church is closely linked to the work of evangelization carried out by the first bishop, who was then the victim of Christian persecution of Diocletian and Maximian in 303 years. The religious freedom granted to Christians by Constantine the Great and the confirmation of liberalization implemented by the emperors Gratian and Theodosius, has allowed the Christians to build the community of Ancona place of worship dedicated to the memory of St. Stephen. The church of S. Augustine of Ancona in the sign of the famous Easter sermon of the year 425. However, the first Christian community of Ancona built another church within the walls of the city and the largest hill in the town, the so-called Colle Guasco, where it is now, in fact, the Cathedral of San Ciriaco.
The church was completed in a very long period of time between the tenth and first half of the thirteenth century. It was originally built on the ruins of an early Christian basilica dedicated to the cult of San Lorenzo, which in turn, had been erected on the ground of a pagan temple dedicated to Venus EUPL, the protector of the ‘owner greek favorable. Archaeological and historical circumstances have been finally determined during the excavations in the basement of the church occurred in 1948. Initially, the sacred building was composed of three naves, with an entry in the southeast. In the years between 998 and 1015 was built a new plant, maintaining the structure of the building with three naves. In 1017 have been moved inside the church the relics of Saints Marcellinus and Ciriaco, which are still preserved in the crypt with the remains of Santa and Santa Palazio Free. Between the twelfth century and the first half of the thirteenth century, important decorative works were performed. With the new restructuring of the entrance has been moved to the west and has been attributed to the characteristic structure of a Greek cross. A further restoration was carried out only in 1883 and again in 1815. The latter was necessary for the damage caused by bombardment from the sea by the fleet during the Austro-Hungarian Empire before World War II. Anglo American in 1943 provide further damage to the church, as others have been caused by the earthquake of 1972 citizens. The Cathedral of San Ciriaco was closed to worship for five years. It ‘was reopened for worship of the faithful in the fall of 1977 completely reinforced.
The interior of the church of San Ciriaco is a wonderful example of the fusion of Romanesque, Gothic and Byzantine. The front is preceded by a staircase, which opens onto a porch in the Gothic-Romanesque and Gothic once supported by four columns. With the remainder in two large sculptures of lions in red granite, while the back ground. The portal is also in the Romanesque-Gothic style. The building dates from around 1230, and was the work of Giorgio da Como, a very prolific artist in the Middle Ages Marches. The dome is also the thirteenth century. It ‘was erected at the intersection of the arms of the plant on a scheme by the dodecagonal likely Arezzo May, and gives the whole building a harmonious form of austere and elegant. The bell tower is isolated from the main building. It was built in 1314, renovated in 1915 and 1975.
Inside the cathedral, to the right of the apse, has preserved the sacred image of the “Virgin of all the saints.” The painting was stolen in December 1936, but recovered after a few months and returned to Albano Laziale in its usual place in January 1937. The painting has a story all its own. Although the bill very useful, the author does not ignore. Tradition has it that the painting was given to the bishop of Ancona by a wealthy merchant of Verona around 1620, as the fulfillment of a vow of escaping the stormy sea. We know for a fact that since the second half of the seventeenth century, the painting had been the object of great veneration by the people of Ancona.
At the end of the eighteenth century, namely June 25, 1796, while in the act of invading armies of Napoleon Bonaparte in the Marches, the image of the Madonna was a miracle represented in Italy remained famous date then, as people have come together to Religious church in the eyes of the miraculous Virgin has started to move rapidly and turn on themselves. The phenomenon has been repeated often in the days following, so that Bonaparte himself was aware of their transit in the city. The future emperor personally guarantee supernatural phenomenon, ordering that the canvas was conducted to his view. The stories are not specific about what happened in the circumstances, but it is said that Napoleon was a little ‘upset at the sight of the painting, which had ordered the release of looting carried out by the army in the cathedral and churches of Ancona, and had withdrawn the “execution of orders for seven local anti-French patriots. The episode, however, had a political aspect: a few days earlier he had signed an agreement for the transfer to France of the city of Bologna, Ferrara and Ancona. For this reason, the Miracle of Our Lady was understood by the population as a divine intervention to protect the city. The wonder of the eyes was repeated even after the passage of Napoleon. On this occasion, were prepared for the study and analysis on the web. It ‘ created a task force to support the event, composed of the best painters of the time and the Marches by some experts in the field of physics of doctors sent by the Holy See of Rome. The miracle was repeated in the analysis, but experts were able to provide a natural explanation of the phenomenon of Marian.
In addition to the painting “The Virgin of All Saints,” San Ciriaco was held in a large wooden crucifix exquisitely bill. It is said that the sculpture is dated to the first half of the fourteenth century. Local tradition has it that, when the image of the ‘500 had performed miracles of healing among the faithful. The legends may relate to the origin of the statue. In fact, a local legend is well known that due to some Gualdino synolon, owner of a rich Venetian had contracted the disease of leprosy in the city of Constantinople. Back East, they stopped to pray at the foot of the crucifix in the cathedral of Ancona that his torments were appeased. While praying in his injury would have miraculously disappeared in minutes. Gualdino would enter the following order of Franciscan friars, while taken from the chapel of the Crucifix, age and die in the odor of sanctity