Lazzaretto | Ancona Vanvitelli Stately Building

Lazzaretto | Ancona Vanvitelli Stately Building

Since remote times people coming and going, the trade of resources and materials produced in every country have unfortunately determined the risk of diseases’ infection spread. The risk obviously was higher in seaside towns, where the port was one of the most important places of exchange and communication; therefore, also in Ancona was built the […]

Altavilla Fort at Pietralacroce in Ancona

Altavilla Fort at Pietralacroce in Ancona

According to its characteristic morphology, Ancona is constituted by several hills with amazing landscapes either toward the sea and toward the hills. Upon one of these hills, routing the way that drives to Portonovo (wonderful and peculiar seaside locale area), and far few kms from Ancona with an height of 187 mts o.s.l., it rises […]

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